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Ingredientes:   Aceite de coco orgánico, aceite de ricino, aceite de oliva, agua destilada, glicerina vegetal, vitamina E, gluconato de clorhexidina al 4%.

Champú Antimicrobiano 16 oz Gluconato de Clorhexidina

  • Para perros, gatos y caballos de 8 semanas de edad o más. Mojar bien la capa con agua tibia y aplicar el champú comenzando por la cabeza, el cuello, los hombros, el cuerpo y las piernas. Dejar actuar entre 5 y 10 minutos. Enjuague y seque. Para obtener mejores resultados, repita el procedimiento. No aplique champú en los ojos ni en el interior de los oídos. 

  • Natural Pet Creations Antimicrobial Shampoo cleanses and disinfects skin with a natural shampoo base made with organic coconut oil and vitamin E for a healthy and shiny coat. Why add Chlorhexidine gluconate to a natural shampoo base? This product is an alternative for cats, dogs and horses that do need this type of therapy but they react to commercial products. Most of the time this reactions are due to the chemicals ingredients of the shampoo base and not necessarily the antimicrobial ingredient in this case the Chlorexidine gluconate. Commercial shampoo bases can contain many chemicals to provide the soap and silky effect artificially and parabens or germicides that ultimately irritate pets with sensitive skin. Chlorhexidine Gluconate is an antimicrobial that covers a very wide spectrum of bacterias and is commonly used in human and veterinary medicine.

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